Web Design Accessibility

Choose Accessible Web Design for All Users

The ADA FOR WEBSITES team is here to work with you through the process of planning, designing, developing and launching your accessible website. Call us at 949-328-1812 or email us at support@adaforweb.com to get started!

Drawing the Plans
Physical Accessibility Parallels Digital Accessibility

The Rationale for Web Design Accessibility

Consider Your User Populations

Consider the Data on Disabled Individuals
Create a Better Internet for All People
Beyond the fact that any web design accessibility standards you add to your website will improve your Search Engine Optimization, making you more visible to all users, providing an accessible website is the best way to do business with people with disabilities. When done right, accessible websites are preferred for people who cannot read printed material, who cannot physically visit a store and people who may have difficulty hearing.

What Can Be Done to Improve Web Design Accessibility

- Using tags in content
- Including closed captioning
- Factoring in color contrast
- Making navigation intuitive
- Using keyboard shortcuts
- Using logical headers
- Using adaptable code
- Writing descriptive captions (alt-text) for pictures
- Using the proper markup for tables on web pages
- Considering responsive and mobile web design
The list is significant, but if you plan for web design accessibility from the beginning, you eliminate the risk of having to discard your website and start from scratch. If these steps are taken during the build, it is much easier to maintain, update and tweak as needed as well as track their usability for consumers. Talk to our accessible web designers to explore the various options available to develop an accessible web design for your business.
What to Do Next
ADA FOR WEBSITES specializes in assisting companies, organizations and universities in building websites that do not discriminate, allowing for information to be clearly disseminated. Our team has made accessible web design their top priority. We use our team’s expertise to support businesses and clients.
ADA FOR WEBSITES ensures web design accessibility is done right the first time and can teach you and your team about the proper considerations to keep you up-to-date with the latest accessibility trends and to ensure you are following all laws. By working with ADA FOR WEBSITES, you create a positive, interactive experience for everyone, while also building your company’s commitment to inclusivity.
Contact ADA FOR WEBSITES today to learn more about how we can assist you in building a site that positions your organization or business to be accessible to all online users. Let our experienced team help you build your brand and reach your entire consumer base.
Contact ADA for Websites to learn more and to discuss your upcoming project!
Email: support@adaforweb.com