About Us

Who is ADA for Web


ADA FOR WEB’s Unique Vision

Dear customers, potential customers, future partners and leaders looking to learn more:

When we started ADA FOR WEB nearly a decade ago, our vision was simple: to be a valued resource to our clients and to partner with them to create websites that are accessible and user-friendly for all individuals. That mission remains the same today.

At ADA FOR WEB, our passion to make the Internet better is what drives us. We partner with our clients to build websites that work for their company and their audience.

As the Internet has evolved, the need to build websites that include accommodations for people with disabilities has continued to grow. As a result, our vision has also expanded, to assist our business partners in reaching their consumers through well-designed and barrier-free websites.

ADA Website Consultants
Since 2010, I am proud to say that our team has created websites that work well for businesses, non-profits, educational institutions and government – but perhaps even more importantly, for users. We make websites that are easy to understand and simple for our clients to manage after they are built.

I know there are many online marketing firms to choose from when considering a website development project and the sheer number of choices can be overwhelming. Our team fully appreciates the fact there are many experts in online marketing and web accessibility. Our ADA FOR WEB team are experts in both. We provide you with a top-notch design, while also addressing accessibility. There aren’t many firms out there that can do that. We believe that our commitment to creating all-around secure, effective and accessible websites really sets us apart.

With each project, we ask ourselves how we can use our expertise in online marketing, website accessibility and website building to better serve our clients. We are committed to offering them the best value, to teach them the true worth of their site and to make sure we’re leaving the world a little better than it was yesterday.

Looking for an Exceptional Web Consulting Firm?

ADA FOR WEB is the perfect option for businesses seeking Accessible Web Design that provides accommodations for users with disabilities.
ADA Compliance California

Our Process is Simple and Strategic


ADA FOR WEB is a well-established firm, with a significant network across the industry. Because of this, we are connectors for our clients. Our promise to our clients will always be to recommend the most qualified expert to solve their concerns, even if that means finding someone outside of our firm.

Our goal will never be to capture all the business. It isn’t about ego. It’s about truly helping people. We see ourselves as Internet experts and desire to be a resource to help you to accomplish your goals. We will always be committed to making sure the work gets done, by the best possible resources.

We Value People.

We Value Relationships.

We Value Your Partnership.

Why you shlould choose us?

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We want you to be better, stronger and more confident – with a website that not only promotes your company but encourages inclusion and growth.​

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Passionate Approach

We want you to be invested in your site, so you can be fully engaged and operational.

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We Guide You

We want you and your company, to be better off because you worked with us.

ADA Website Compliance Consultants

When you work with ADA FOR WEB Solutions on a project, our approach is to look at your company from every angle to ensure the end product is exactly what you need. We will help you make the right choice for you.

As you begin your website journey with our team of experts, you’ll quickly see that we focus on helping you communicate your message and brand effectively, while engaging all of your customers. That’s where accessibility comes in. By creating a site that is accessible from the beginning, there will be no barriers that prevent anyone from finding your message. It may surprise you to learn that the World Bank reports 1 billion people (15 percent of the world’s population) experience some form of disability and one-fifth of that global total (between 110 million and 190 million people) live with significant disabilities. That is a significant number of consumers that your company needs to accommodate.
Not only is it smart business, we believe it’s just the right thing to do.
When I was growing up, I was taught to always leave any place I visited better than when I had arrived. That mantra has lived with me since. As I have grown ADA FOR WEB with my team, I have surrounded myself with people who live the same way.
After the creation of your site:

If you choose to work with ADA FOR WEB long-term, we will strive to increase your company’s value.

Sometimes, the people we work with have existing websites that were built without no consideration for accessibility. The thought of starting over on any project is overwhelming – and we know that. But we will work with you to give you the best information, the best approach and the truth (even when it is scary) to get you where you need to be. We will help you find the most useful path forward to fully prepare your company for the future.

When you work with us, we’ll treat you as a friend, with transparency and a genuine heart. Rest assured, we will follow the industry’s standard for web accessibility called the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1, (and Section 508, when applicable), the most recognized standard. We will guide you through the process to confirm that you are meeting all requirements.

We are also experts in WordPress, the most popular platform available for websites with over 30% of the market share of the world’s existing websites. WordPress is easy to operate and because it is continuously upgraded to make websites better. We believe it delivers the best value for the majority of businesses’ needs.
With each project, we ask ourselves how we can use our expertise in online marketing, website accessibility and website building to better serve our clients. We are committed to offering them the best value, to teach them the true worth of their site and to make sure we’re leaving the world a little better than it was yesterday.
We look forward to working with you.


Alec Swanepoel, CEO

Our leaders.

ada consulting

Alec Swanepoel

CEO & Founder
ada website consultant

Bryan Finch

Creative Director
ada consultant

Sebastian Caine

Managing Director

Contact ADA for Websites to learn more and to discuss your upcoming project!

Email: support@adaforweb.com

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